Happiness, TRAVEL

Live Freely & Lightly

This was ONE of my many favorite takeaways from my weekend.  Live freely & lightly.  I could honestly write a novel on my experience at Women’s Weekend Retreat, but I am going to simply share with you a few highlights, a few things that I need DAILY reminders on, and things that HIT HOME for me. STOP and REST  The…

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Beauty, Greenville, Happiness, Health

Pamper Yo’Self

Follow my blog with Bloglovin HAPPY HUMP DAY! No, I am not getting pampered today, unfortunately, I am at work.  However, I am going to share with you my favorite places to be pampered. I have never been a “maintenance” person.  I am not saying that I am necessarily “low-maintenance”, but, for example, I have never colored my hair and…

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Fitness, Happiness, Health, Uncategorized

for the love of yoga

Last week, I taught yoga to a group of the sweetest women, many of whom had never taken yoga before in their lives.  They are participating in a Biggest Loser challenge, working on lifestyle changes and killing it! Here I am, teaching them the wonderful gift of yoga and the 60 minutes I spent with them was truly a gift to…

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Family, Happiness


HAPPY FRIDAY, everyone!!  Today’s post is dedicated to my littlest, Grayson, G, or lil’ G. 2016 FLEW by and one main reason is because I had a baby in January of last year…that’ll do it.  I barely even remember the year.  Last month, we celebrated his 1st birthday.  We just had family and close friends over to our house for…

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Happiness, Style, Uncategorized

Spend Big, Save Big

This post is for you online shopaholics.  Yet another Shopbop sale is here! They have the best BIG sales…get your wallet ready! Thank goodness it’s the beginning of the month and you haven’t blown your budget yet, am I right?! Seriously, though, the more you spend, the more you save….AND it includes full-priced and sale items! Just use code, GOBIG17.…

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Eats & Drinks, Family, Happiness, Style, Uncategorized

Weekend Happenings

North Hampton Wine Cafe Friday night, a couple girlfriends and I went to North Hampton for dinner, which has become a go-to for girls nights, date night, you name it.  I may have gone twice this week…and may have gotten this amazing dessert both nights.  Let’s just say, I’m obviously not doing Whole30 or on any kind of diet at…

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Happiness, Health

Here goes nothing…

I have talked about starting a blog again for years now, and now that I have a 1 year old and a 3 year old, a busy job, and a ridiculous amount of passions and interests, I thought, “Heck…why not?!”.  I spent some time worrying that it wouldn’t be good enough (because isn’t that what we think about everything!?).  I…

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