Happiness, Health

Here goes nothing…

I have talked about starting a blog again for years now, and now that I have a 1 year old and a 3 year old, a busy job, and a ridiculous amount of passions and interests, I thought, “Heck…why not?!”.  I spent some time worrying that it wouldn’t be good enough (because isn’t that what we think about everything!?).  I thought….”Will people like it?” “Will it be interesting enough? or different enough from all the thousands of other blogs out there?” “I don’t model and I don’t take selfies…will I look pretty?”, but honestly, who cares….well, HONESTLY, I do just a little bit, BUT, for the most part I just wish to share posts that may be inspirational, motivational, or might just make you smile or laugh from time to time, whether it be over a pair of pretty shoes, a funny picture of my boys, a strong yoga pose, or a bible verse.  This blog is about things that I love and places where I find my “happiness”.  I have nothing to lose and honestly, I love to share things I get really excited about with others…and maybe even give you a glimpse into my life.  Handstand Happiness is a new outlet for me, to share, and to document fun times in life!

So, why handstands? No, this blog is not only about yoga.  I debated a while on the name of this blog and finally decided on Handstand Happiness, honestly, with a tiny bit of input from my husband, of all people, who admits he has little to no creativity.  If you know me, or even follow me on Instagram, you probably know that I love yoga and I looove handstands.  Handstands make me happy…when I am happy, I literally just want to get upside down. I’m a little weird, I get it.  But, some days you are really in balance and feel together (rare…but sometimes…maybe) and then other days, you literally fall flat on your freaking face, and just have to get back up and figure it out.  So, this blog is about working life in and out of balance.  It will mostly be sharing exciting and happy things, but it will also be real…and that isn’t always pretty, but it is life.

On this blog, you will mostly find things that I love…faith, family, style, fitness, good eats, and community! It’s about balance….and lack thereof.

Today, I will just leave you with this short and simple intro and look forward to sharing with you!

“Balance, peace, and joy are the fruit of a successful life.  It starts with recognizing your talents and finding ways to serve others by using them.”           -Thomas Kincade
