Fitness, Happiness, Health, Uncategorized

for the love of yoga

Last week, I taught yoga to a group of the sweetest women, many of whom had never taken yoga before in their lives.  They are participating in a Biggest Loser challenge, working on lifestyle changes and killing it! Here I am, teaching them the wonderful gift of yoga and the 60 minutes I spent with them was truly a gift to me. Probably 80% of these women had never done a yoga pose in their lives, but they were open to trying something new, maybe even something a little scary.  It inspired me so much and simply warmed my heart that they were willing and open to me teaching them.


I get such an awesome feeling teaching and practicing yoga, and it’s different every day whether I am on or off my mat.  That is the beauty of yoga, it is an ever changing, ever growing practice.  The practice and class is always different depending on the students and the teacher, yet the opportunity for growth in some aspect is always there.  Although I normally teach a challenging, hot power class, even when introducing yoga to students for the very first time, it is still incredibly powerful.  It is amazing to watch the layers of doubt, insecurity, and fear peel off of students, and it is incredible to watch their hearts unfold to the practice.

As a student, my view on my mat is always changing and neither my practice nor my poses are EVER perfect.  I present to you, my wheel.  My nemesis.  This could be the ugliest wheel you have ever seen from a yogi.  But it IS a wheel and it IS a back bend. It is yoga and a work in progress.  And honestly, when I do it (and not opt out because I hate them) it truly FEELS pretty, even though when looking at this picture after the fact, realizing, dang, that is not my best pose.  But, it was my best attempt at it and sometimes, that is all we can do is show up and put our best foot forward, with an open heart.  Even if it means with tight shoulders, an inflexible spine, a weak core, or feeling off balance.


This is the beauty of yoga.  Like so many other roles in our lives, our role on our mat is to show up and simply practice, practice love with ourselves and others, gratitude, power, patience…the list could go on.

So, I thank these women, these amazing teachers, not only for loving on my kids daily, but for reminding me on Tuesday night, WHY I fell in love with yoga.  We are all just showing up and doing our best.  And hopefully we feel strong, powerful, and pretty doing it!


“Sometimes we get so bogged down in dealing with feelings, issues, problems – the realities and details of our lives – that we forget to be happy. Often happiness can be ours if we just remember to be happy. Joy is a choice – a deliberate, conscious choice. That choice is available to us each day. Our joy isn’t controlled by others or outward circumstances. Joy comes from a deeper place, a place of security within ourselves. It’s an attitude, not a transitory emotion.”

“Remember to be kind. Remember to be loving. Remember to feel all your feelings and to take care of yourself. But most of all, remember to be happy.”

-Melody Beattie, “Journey to the Heart”

Happy Monday!