Happiness, TRAVEL

Live Freely & Lightly

This was ONE of my many favorite takeaways from my weekend.  Live freely & lightly.  I could honestly write a novel on my experience at Women’s Weekend Retreat, but I am going to simply share with you a few highlights, a few things that I need DAILY reminders on, and things that HIT HOME for me.


The opportunity to be still, be present, and to listen.  Many of us need this reminder constantly, as we live such busy, busy lives, but it seems impossible around our job, our family, our friends, etc.. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to get away this weekend and be still (confident that my husband had control over the boys at home and that hopefully they were all surviving since I was pretty disconnected for the weekend with no cell service.)  Women’s Weekend was at Windy Gap, a place I went a few times in high school for Young Life camps.  It is truly a special place.  It was great to simply be still in His Presence.  Now the challenge is, as always, finding that amidst the chaos.  It’s definitely something I have to be intentional about or it will not happen, and the rewards of being still are so abundant.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free, stand firm, and do not let yourselves be burdened again.” Galatians 5:1



I love to worship, and being in a room full of women pouring out their hearts to God in song is incredibly powerful.  This alone was a joy, but being led by Ellie Holcombe each worship service made it that much easier and joyful.  If you haven’t heard her.  LOOK HER UP!  The lyrics to her songs are straight from scripture and they are so comforting.  She is seriously writing God’s promises into melodies and it is beautiful.  Her voice is phenomenal and don’t even mention how adorable she and her little family are.


Here are just a few of my favorites songs that embodied the weekend for me.

Red Sea Road – Ellie Holcomb

No Longer Slaves – Jonathan David

The River – Hillary Scott

And these are a few other of Ellie’s songs that I LOVE:  Wonderfully Made, I Will Never Be the SameThe Valley, As Sure as the Sun, Marvelous Light, Anchor of Hope

yes, that might be EVERY SINGLE song she sang and shared over the weekend, but I love them all.  She is that good.  Do yourself a favor, go listen and crank it up!

Another song that spoke so much truth to my heart was a song by one of Ellie’s sweet friends who came to camp with her this weekend, Annie Lawrence.


Light is Stronger Than Darkness – Annie Lawrence


His word is a sword to the enemy and all the lies we are believing.  It is as simple as that.  Why wouldn’t we get in His word if they have the power to fight for us?!  Ellie called scripture her “fighting words”, and I absolutely love that, because His Words and His light truly break through the darkness and break down the enemy.

“…you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” 1 Peter 2:9

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made…” Psalm 139: 14



…OH and “the swing”.  I literally could have done this over and over.  It was so much fun!


Windy Gap is amazing, and experiencing it in the fellowship with sweet friends is really special.  It was just what I needed this weekend and exactly where God needed me to be.


Happy Monday! Hope y’all had a fun, restful weekend!

AND Happy First Day of Spring! Step it up, Spring, we are ready for some pretty weather!

