Eats & Drinks, Family, Style, TRAVEL

QT to Charleston

We had a quick overnight trip to Charleston on Saturday to celebrate our Godson’s Baptism on Sunday morning.  Thankfully, we were kid-free for the night and were thrilled to take full advantage of a last minute date night in one of our favorite cities.  Here is a weekend recap: Cannon Green We started the night out at the trendy Cannon Green…

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Family, Happiness


HAPPY FRIDAY, everyone!!  Today’s post is dedicated to my littlest, Grayson, G, or lil’ G. 2016 FLEW by and one main reason is because I had a baby in January of last year…that’ll do it.  I barely even remember the year.  Last month, we celebrated his 1st birthday.  We just had family and close friends over to our house for…

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Eats & Drinks, Family, Happiness, Style, Uncategorized

Weekend Happenings

North Hampton Wine Cafe Friday night, a couple girlfriends and I went to North Hampton for dinner, which has become a go-to for girls nights, date night, you name it.  I may have gone twice this week…and may have gotten this amazing dessert both nights.  Let’s just say, I’m obviously not doing Whole30 or on any kind of diet at…

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