Fitness, Greenville

Weekly Workouts

Greenville’s fitness scene has exploded in the past couple of years.  We have so many great fitness gyms and yoga studios, and honestly ain’t nobody got time to fit them all in.  What fits one person’s needs may not fit your own, but my biggest advice would be not to shut the door on one “type” of exercise because of your initial reaction or maybe 1 experience.  Don’t ever tell yourself you aren’t strong enough to try something like MADabolic or Crossfit, or that you aren’t flexible enough for yoga or “barre”.  Each studio, instructor, and class is different, so give yourself a chance and give it a shot!  The worst thing that could happen is you get a decent workout, not like it, and waste 1 hour of your life, BUT you can say you TRIED it out.  That’s all we can really do.  Allow yourself to block out comparisons, be inspired, and inspire others.

I, for one, like to dabble a little bit in everything….maybe to my disadvantage.  I currently coach 1 class/week at MADabolic and teach 1 class/week at Zanti Power Yoga, so with a job and 2 kids it can be challenging getting a workout in everyday, but most days I MAKE SURE it happens.  Because honestly, I love working out.  I know, it may be weird to some, but I do, and if I don’t work out, sometimes I am cranky.  So here are my favorite ways to sweat currently!

MADabolic Greenville


MADabolic is simply a dang good workout AND it is different every day…keeping you coming back for more.  It is high intensity interval training that includes weights, cardio equipment, primal movements, and the “bag”.  Every day is a different interval, different focus, with different movements.   I fully credit MADabolic in “getting my body back” after both of my babies.  Plus, it’s a great, encouraging community! I try to get into MADabolic at least 3 times a week. Check out their IG for some inspiration!


Zanti Power Yoga

Yoga is my “ME” time.  I never was a fan of restorative yoga, but hot power yoga is my jam.  I love to leave a class feeling mentally and physically exhausted, yet energized at the same time.  My favorite class is your traditional “kick your butt” in the best kind of way Z2 Intermediate class, but Zanti offers a variety of classes, including Sculpt.  Check out their schedule here and follow them on IG for upcoming events! I typically fit in 1-2 classes a week in at Zanti.



CycleBar Greenville

If you love cardio and zoning out to some good music, then try CycleBar!  The instructors are so much fun too.  I try to fit a Cyclebar class in a couple times a month.  Wish I could go more, but love to squeeze a fun class in here and there!



I am a pansy and hate running in the cold and I don’t like the treadmill, but once the weather is in my favor, count me in for a run at least once a week.  I am currently training for the Mountains to Main Street 1/2 Marathon (less than a month away!), so I am trying to increase my mileage.  We ran the Kiawah 1/2 Marathon back in December, but then I took a running hiatus…I’ll blame it on the cold weather.  Plus, signing up for a race is the only thing to encourage me to run distance, otherwise, I am a 3-5 miler on the norm.  Running through our beautiful downtown and on the Swamp Rabbit Trail makes getting in some mileage a little bit easier.


After we finished the Kiawah 1/2 back in December.  I am smiling here, but I was still MISERABLY cold!

runNew Balance Running Shoes | Lululemon crops


 I also strongly believe in “community over competition” when it comes to exercise.  We are all working toward the same goal, so why not work and encourage together, regardless of where it is.  I think it’s great to attend events and classes at different studios, or change up your routine every now and then.  You just have to pick what jives with you most, what inspires you most, what makes you happy, and what makes you feel strong!


Artisphere Yoga – join Zanti on Saturday, May 13th at 8am for a 60 minute all levels flow


HAPPY HUMPDAY! How are you sweating today?!