My Dear G,
I debated whether I needed to post a birthday letter this year. Simply because, is 3 all that exciting?! It’s actually been a trying year for us. How can I even put it into words? But that is why I was compelled to. Because yes, 3 is exciting. Each and every single year is exciting, for you, for your brother, for you dad, and for me. G monster, G money, G diggity, G dog…you have been my biggest challenge yet and have brought me to my knees more times than I can count. But honestly they say that your biggest challenges are WELL worth it. And they make you stronger and make you better. And I have to believe that you are making me a better person, a better mother. I never imagined that someone so small and so stinkin’ cute could cause me to lose my temper so often, and I never knew that my string was so short. But even after each screaming meltdown, I know I couldn’t hold you any tighter and love you any more.
G, many call you spirited, and your dad and I constantly say that you are just like me (which I am not sure is a compliment or an insult). You are loud, wild and crazy, stubborn, hard headed, fiesty, and short tempered, but your smile is incredibly contagious and FILLS up the room and our hearts. And that dimple, don’t even get me started on that dimple. You live and love big! You are incredibly passionate and play hard and giggle joyfully. You love to talk and are insightful, especially while you sit on the potty. You love to be involved and hate to miss out (yep, just like you mom).
You adore your big brother and although you are as different as can be from him, you are following closely in his footsteps. You crack him up and he even calls you his best friend, and watching y’all together, I’m really starting to believe it. This family would be completely different without you in it and we would have it no other way. All of the good moments outweigh the bad. G, we are so incredibly thankful to have you in our lives and we are so humbled that the Lord has entrusted us to be your parents.
Many of the times, its your way or the highway….and we chose you all day long. Day after Day. You are my baby and will forever be my baby. Thank you for being you. You are going to rule the world someday.
The stars didn’t align to plan you a birthday party this year, and you know I love to plan a party. But, I cannot wait to celebrate you all weekend long and make you feel so special and loved. All you’ve asked for is a bouncy house and your favorite people, so I’ll do my best to make that happen.
Happy third birthday, G! Cannot believe you will be THREE tomorrow!