
Dear Momma

This post is simply dedicated to all the mommas out there.  The mommas with children here on Earth and those with children in Heaven, the women who so long to be mommas one day, the expecting mommas, and the friends who have lost their mommas- this is to ALL the loving mommas.  If you have sacrificed yourself in any way for the sake of a child or having a child, you deserved to be cherished and celebrated this weekend.  And I won’t go too deep into it, because I know nothing I can say can help one that has dealt or is dealing with infertility feel any better, but I will say this.  God truly is in control and he is with us.  He never leaves us through any struggle, big or small, and he will see us through it.  So, no matter where you are in this journey of motherhood, hold strong to Him and He will give you peace. Trust in His grace and the power of prayer.

I LOVE all my dear momma friends, and I would have a list a mile long of momma friends that inspire me and support me on a daily basis, and simply make me a better momma with their love and encouragement. But when I hear “momma” my heart clings to my selfless and strong mother and my anchor of a sister.  Speaking of their strength and their roles and their inspiration for me as a mother, makes me tear up and makes my heart and love grow for them ten fold.  I never understood the love that was involved in simple diaper changes, rocking a sick and fussy baby, comforting a child after a fall, or making it to their Christmas program or soccer game, until I actually became a mom. But boy, do I now see and appreciate the importance and the sacrifice in the little things.  I witnessed these sacrifices from my own mother and watched my sister grow into her role of sacrificial love for her own children years before it even became a thought for me to have my own. But little did they know, that all these little acts of love and sacrifice left an imprint on my heart. I know if anything ever happened to me, my children would still have the unconditional love of a mother in these two.

As moms, we are all different.  We are always going to have differences in opinions and discipline, and methods to raising our children, but respecting, loving, and supporting one another is so important.  None of us are perfect, and we are all trying to find that perfect balance in our lives, being a mom, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a co-worker, etc… and all we can do is lean on God, trust in Him, and try our best.


I am not a writer, and even if I was, putting the role and importance of a mother into words is simply impossible.  Being a mother is the single most important role I play in my daily life and although the struggle is real and it can be heavy and dang hard, the reward is so much greater!  It is the best name I have ever been called.  It is the best job that I will ever have.  Being a mother brings me more joy that I could ever hope for.  I am constantly learning more and more about God’s grace, His love, His sacrifice, and my need for Him in everything I do, but especially in raising these 2 wild boys.  I thank him for blessing me as a mother and entrusting their lives in our hands.

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Here are some verses that I cling to as a mother:

It doesn’t get any better than the Proverbs 31 woman.  She is the woman I aspire to be every single day.  Although I may fail over and over again, I will continue to try, because I know this is who God created me to be.

proverbs 31

Some of my favorite excerpts from this passage.




I also love these verses.



So, in saying all of that, I hope you all had a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend – whether you were being celebrated as a mom, celebrating your mom, or remembering your mom. And ultimately, I pray you also find hope and strength in God’s promises. Happy Mother’s Day!!