
The Cleanse

So, I made a few New Years “Resolutions”/”goals”…getting this blog up and running being one of them, and another one was to do a cleanse of some sort.  It was actually my husband, Nelson’s idea, and I think he maybe had “clean eating” more in mind, but that same day I saw a deal for a 3 day juice cleanse with Kuka Juice, and I was instantly motivated and sold.  I had NEVER done a 3 day JUICE cleanse, and I will say, it was hard.  Mainly because as you will discover through this blog, I LOOOOOVE FOOD.  I eat relatively healthy, but I just like to eat.  We did this cleanse back in January, and here I am in April, sitting here eating my TCBY frozen yogurt as I write this, but alas…

Kuka is currently doing another “Spring Clean Juice Cleanse Sale”, and I’m not gonna lie, I’m tempted to do another one!  They are offering $10 off the 3-day cleanse and $15 off the 5-day cleanse.

Here is how our 3 days went down…


We got 6 juices per day and you typically get:  The Greenville, Skinny Genes, Unbeetable, Kale Yeah, Kick Some Acid, and Green with Envy.  We mixed and matched a few so that we could try different ones, and I swapped out 1 green juice per day for one of the “mylks”, like the Vanilla Dream, simply because I knew I was going to continue working out over the 3 days (even though it isn’t recommended) and needed a little protein.

If you know me, you know I am the slowest drinker EVER, like I “nurse” my drinks, which basically also means that I am a cheap date…but this is one reason why the juice cleanse was challenging for me, simply because it was hard to drink that much juice in one day period.

Each day started with a green juice, Kale Yeah or the GREENville being my favorite!  I tried to drink a juice every few hours during the day, and then we saved the “mylk” drink for last, because it was like a delicious dessert at the end of the day!  I sipped on mine over ice and it was so good!  The 1st day seemed pretty easy, as I got through the day feeling full and energized without any food cravings.  The 2nd day, I honestly felt great and had a lot of energy, but simply missed chewing food…I know, that might sound sad that I missed it after such a short time, but it’s the truth.  No real cravings or hunger, but just wanted to eat…haha.  The 3rd day was hard in the morning, but by mid day you could see the finish line, so there was no giving in and cheating at that point.  Overall, at the end I feel great and energized! And, even though the intent of this cleanse for us was not to “lose weight”, Nelson and I, both, lost 5 lbs each in 3 days.


I know 3 days doesn’t sound like a lot, and if it doesn’t to you, then go for the 5-day cleanse! Kudos to you! But, I personally, was proud of us for doing the full 3 days. BUT, one thing I will advise, is to listen to their suggestions on “what to eat” the days immediately after the cleanse….don’t eat bacon and pancakes just because it’s a “snow day” and you think you will be fine…you probably will not be fine.  And it kind of negates the whole “reset” purpose of the juice cleanse.  I promise myself I will do better coming out of my next cleanse, and for that little slip up, I blame the “snow storm” and my husband.

Juice cleanse aside, I typically favor the sweet and refreshing juices.  My Kuka favorites are Kale Yeah, Strawberry Fields Forever, Peachy Keen, Sweet Talk, and Mint to be Green.  If the cleanse or “green” juice isn’t for you, then give these a shot!


It’s ALMOST “Thirsty Thursday”…might as well get a head start and try out some juices with @kukajuice ….I hear they make some pretty good “mixers” too!

Hope you have an amazing day!
